cmyk colors

disapproval colors


How to make disapproval color.color codes & color schemes


Emotional color

Color scheme that imaged disapproval

what color is disapproval. By narrowing down the color to use, it becomes a "transmission color scheme". Choose a base color, sub color, accent color and three key colors from among the multiple colors introduced as images of disapproval. When the core color of the image is visible, it will be a balanced color arrangement. The basis of the color scheme is that there is a key color. Please use the color scheme inspired by disapproval for design and coordination.

Color swatch card

Arrangement ideas


Color Codes

disapproval color scheme

Color codes of disapproval. list of colors. cmyk hex color code. this is best cmyk colors for printing.

CMYK : C0 / M0 / Y0 / K40
HEX : #B5B5B6
RGB : R181 / G181 / B182
HSV : H0 / S0 / V71

CMYK : C20 / M0 / Y10 / K0
RGB : R212 / G236 / B234
HSV : H175 / S10 / V93

CMYK : C0 / M0 / Y0 / K50
HEX : #9FA0A0
RGB : R159 / G160 / B160
HSV : H0 / S0 / V63

CMYK : C0 / M0 / Y0 / K70
HEX : #727171
RGB : R114 / G113 / B113
HSV : H0 / S0 / V45

CMYK : C100 / M50 / Y0 / K0
HEX : #0068B7
RGB : R0 / G104 / B183
HSV : H206 / S100 / V72

CMYK : C80 / M80 / Y0 / K0
HEX : #4D4398
RGB : R77 / G67 / B152
HSV : H247 / S56 / V60

CMYK : C0 / M40 / Y40 / K0
HEX : #F5B090
RGB : R245 / G176 / B144
HSV : H19 / S41 / V96

CMYK : C0 / M0 / Y80 / K20
HEX : #DFD238
RGB : R223 / G210 / B56
HSV : H55 / S75 / V87

CMYK : C0 / M20 / Y20 / K0
RGB : R251 / G218 / B200
HSV : H21 / S20 / V98

CMYK : C0 / M40 / Y40 / K20
HEX : #D4987E
RGB : R212 / G152 / B126
HSV : H18 / S41 / V83

CMYK : C20 / M20 / Y0 / K0
RGB : R210 / G204 / B230
HSV : H254 / S11 / V90

CMYK : C80 / M40 / Y0 / K0
HEX : #187FC4
RGB : R24 / G127 / B196
HSV : H204 / S88 / V77

*Color is converting sRGB IEC61966-2.1 using CMYK profile of Japan Color 2001 Coated.

Image color scheme

a feeling of japanese word

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