cmyk colors

%7B$value%7D colors


How to make %7B$value%7D color.color codes & color schemes


Emotional color

Color scheme that imaged %7B$value%7D

what color is %7B$value%7D. By narrowing down the color to use, it becomes a "transmission color scheme". Choose a base color, sub color, accent color and three key colors from among the multiple colors introduced as images of %7B$value%7D. When the core color of the image is visible, it will be a balanced color arrangement. The basis of the color scheme is that there is a key color. Please use the color scheme inspired by %7B$value%7D for design and coordination.

Color swatch card

Arrangement ideas


Color Codes

%7B$value%7D color scheme

Color codes of %7B$value%7D. list of colors. cmyk hex color code. this is best cmyk colors for printing.

CMYK : C20 / M0 / Y10 / K0
RGB : R212 / G236 / B234
HSV : H175 / S10 / V93

CMYK : C0 / M0 / Y0 / K70
HEX : #727171
RGB : R114 / G113 / B113
HSV : H0 / S0 / V45

CMYK : C0 / M20 / Y20 / K0
RGB : R251 / G218 / B200
HSV : H21 / S20 / V98

CMYK : C60 / M30 / Y0 / K20
HEX : #5D87B7
RGB : R93 / G135 / B183
HSV : H212 / S49 / V72

CMYK : C0 / M40 / Y40 / K20
HEX : #D4987E
RGB : R212 / G152 / B126
HSV : H18 / S41 / V83

CMYK : C0 / M0 / Y40 / K0
RGB : R255 / G249 / B177
HSV : H55 / S31 / V100

CMYK : C40 / M40 / K20 / K0
HEX : #8F85AF
RGB : R143 / G133 / B175
HSV : H254 / S24 / V69

CMYK : C60 / M60 / Y0 / K20
HEX : #695C98
RGB : R105 / G92 / B152
HSV : H253 / S39 / V60

CMYK : C0 / M0 / Y0 / K50
HEX : #9FA0A0
RGB : R159 / G160 / B160
HSV : H0 / S0 / V63

CMYK : C0 / M0 / Y0 / K20
RGB : R220 / G221 / B221
HSV : H0 / S0 / V87

*Color is converting sRGB IEC61966-2.1 using CMYK profile of Japan Color 2001 Coated.

Image color scheme

a feeling of japanese word

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